Legal Process to Purchase


These types of trusts will generally revolve around the administration and management of certain assets, and in certain instances, provide for payment and distribution features. They can either be used by individuals as part of an estate plan, or by corporations as ways of managing their assets. Companies use these types of trusts to manage pension and retirement plans. 

The creation and formation process for most administrative trusts is no different from the process discussed above. In other words, the creation process is driven by the type of assets being managed. If its real assets, the creation is more formal with the participation of a Notary Public, and if it’s personal property, it’s much simpler. 

These types of trusts are also commonly used by municipalities, states and even the federal government, to manage all kinds of resources for different types of government programs. They can range from trusts for education purposes, all the way to trusts that manage and run infrastructure and development projects.